This is a joint report between three national labs, ORNL, INL, and ANL, that describes outcomes from a workshop. The Bioenergy Solutions to Gulf Hypoxia Workshop gathered stakeholders from industry, academia, national laboratories, and U.S. federal agencies to discuss how biomass feedstocks could help decrease nutrient loadings to the Gulf of Mexico (Gulf), a root cause of the large hypoxic zone that forms each summer. More broadly, workshop participants discussed the current state of environmental markets in the United States and the state of the science on nutrient management and monetization of the ecosystem services and environmental and social benefits derived from growing energy crops.
A diverse group of participants presented informative perspectives during five sessions: (1) Framing the Problem, (2) Technologies and Practices to Improve Nutrient Management, (3) Monetizing Ecosystem Services, (4) Strategies to Advance Progress, and (5) Research Gaps and Strategies. Multiple breakout discussions designed to elicit stakeholder inputs were interspersed within the presentations.