The Bioenergy Feedstock Library (BFL) is both a physical sample repository and digital database tracking metadata (i.e., harvest information, sample details, operational data) and analytical data (i.e., physical, chemical, conversion performance characteristics) for bioenergy feedstocks and intermediates. The library is fast becoming the most comprehensive, actively managed database of its kind, with sample data for more than 100,000 bioenergy samples and bioenergy characterization data for more than 50,000 samples. With samples representing over 100 unique biomass resource types and data from well over 100 government, industry and academic institutions, the library is an extensive source of information on biomass variability. BFL users can use the library to access and visualize publicly available data. The BFL team also provides samples and data by request.
Other data included in the Library: -
- Geographical location
- Genetic Variety
- Species
- Production year
- Agronomic practices
- Yield data
Users can request access to the Library via the following link:
Bioenergy Feedstock Library (BFL)
Datasets from the Sun Grant Initiative Regional Feedstock Partnership are available here :
Sun Grant initiative