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chipping cost

This dataset contains harvesting, chipping, and production cost data for forestland production by region and forest harvest system. The dataset supports Biomass from the forested land base analysis in the BT23 (Davis et al., 2024) and subsequent modeling using the Forest Sustainable and Economic Analysis Model (ForSEAM). The cost data was updated by Burton English and is in 2014 dollars and 2021 dollars. Data sources can be found in the accompanying PDF, ‘2021 Biomass Production Costs for the 2024 Billion Ton Analysis’, and the details can be found in the accompanying Microsoft Word file.

Publication Date
Data Source
2021 Biomass Production Costs for the 2024 Billion Ton Analysis
Bioenergy Category
Burton English , Jin Wook Ro , Lixia Lambert , Maggie Davis , Matthew H Langholtz
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