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Dataset for Biorefinery-specific feedstock price variability, Part 1: Corn stover

This dataset was utilized in a report to highlight parameters that affect near-term sustainable supply of corn stover and forest resources at $56 and $74 per dry ton delivered. While the report focus is restricted to 2018, the modeling runs are available from 2016-2022. In the 2016 Billion-ton Report (BT16), two stover cases were presented. In this dataset, we vary technical levels of those assumptions to measure stover supply response and to evaluate the major determinants of stover supply. In each of these cases, the supply is modeled first at the farmgate at prices up to $80 per dry ton for five deterministic scenarios. Building on this dataset, a supplementary dataset of delivered supply was modeled for 800k dry ton per year capacity facilities in two facility siting approaches. Results were summarized across delivered supply curves for twelve scenarios. The resulting supply curves are highly elastic, resulting in a range of potential supplies across scenarios at specified prices. Interactive visualization of these data allows exploration into any specified nth plant supply sensitivity to key variables and spatial distribution of stover resources.

The analysis is economic supply risk and doesn’t account for disruptions from competing demands, namely livestock feed and bedding markets.

Maggie Davis , Laurence Eaton , Matt Langholtz
Contact Person
Maggie Davis
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Publication Date
DOI is live on OSTI.
Project Title
Supply Scenario Analysis
WBS Project Number
Data Source
Internal Simulations using POLYSYS
Usage Policy
Any use of this data should cite associated DOI
Funded from the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Bioenergy Technologies Office.
Attachment Size
 Dataset-Preview.xlsx 32.54 KB