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KDF Search Results

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This dataset contains data on agricultural crop and residue production by county in 2041. The agricultural crops in this dataset include barley, corn, cotton, grain sorghum, hay, oats, rice, soybeans, and wheat. The agricultural residues include barley straw, corn stover, oats straw, sorghum stubble, and wheat straw. The dataset was obtained from the database of the BT23 (Davis et al.,2024) for the near-term scenario with biomass market prices of up to $70 per dry ton.

For access to this dataset, please use the contact form and indicate this dataset by name.

Jin Wook Ro , Maggie R. Davis , Chad Hellwinckel

This International Feedstocks data portal supports the Global Biomass Resource Assessment, a multi-country government-led initiative dedicated to advancing the global transition to a sustainable bio-based economy. This product shares data assembled from citable sources around the globe, as reported for current biomass production as well as potential additional future production in some cases. Data were compiled into consistent classes based on the most recent reports received (ranging from 2018 to 2024).

Ryan Jacobson , Daniel DeLaTorre Ugarte , Keith Kline , Savannah Jones , Hope Cook , Maggie Davis

This write up summarizes the potential for biobased adhesives to be sourced from various material, specifically focusing on the following relevant factors:
1. Current biomass availability,
2. Market costs
3. Locations of industry/supply
4. Projections on how these materials will increase in availability according to their expected increased uses.

Maggie Davis

This project contributes to understanding and enhancing socioeconomic and environmental benefits of biofuels through modeling the effect of prices and policy incentives on fuel markets for “hard-to-decarbonize” transportation sectors. The main analytical tool used in this project is the BioTrans model, originally developed to assess and quantify the economic and energy security benefits of biofuels for light-duty vehicles and bioproducts.

Rocio Uria Martinez , Jin Wook Ro

This dataset contains data on forest production. The forestry products in this dataset includes hardwood, softwood, and mixed, and the dataset was obtained from the database of the 2023 Billion-Ton Report (Davis et al., 2024). The intended use is for the Feedstock Production Emissions to Air Model (FPEAM).

If you would also like access to this dataset, please use the "contact" button for a request to our research staff.

Jin Wook Ro , Maggie Davis , Hope Cook

This dataset contains data on agricultural crop production. The agricultural crop in this dataset includes barley, corn, cotton, grain sorghum, hay, oats, rice, soybeans, and wheat, and the dataset was obtained from the database of the 2023 Billion-Ton Report (Davis et al., 2024) for the Feedstock Production Emissions to Air Model (FPEAM).

For access to this dataset, please use the contact form and indicate the dataset by name.

Jin Wook Ro , Maggie Davis , Chad Hellwinckel

This dataset contains data on agricultural crop and residue production by county from 2022 to 2041. The agricultural crop in this dataset includes barley, biomass sorghum, corn, cotton, energy cane, eucalyptus, grain sorghum, hay, miscanthus, oats, pine, poplar, rice, soybean, switchgrass, wheat, and willow, and the agricultural residue includes barley straw, corn stover, oats straw, sorghum stubble, and wheat straw. The dataset was obtained from the database of the BT23 (Davis et al., 2024) for the mature-market medium scenario with biomass market prices of up to $70 per dry ton.

Jin Wook Ro , Maggie R. Davis , Chad Hellwinckel

This dataset provides additional variables for modelers and other interested stakeholders for yield assumptions for modeled energy crops on agricultural land in the CONUS, as modeled by the POLYSYS model.

The yield unit was changed from lb/ac to dt/ac post-processing.
V0.1 changes include: tillage for subclass like 'energy crop' is now '[null]' and for subclass = 'Intermediate oilseeds' 'till' is now 'CT' (Conventional Tillage), format now uses pipe (|) delimiter.

Chad Hellwinckel , Daniel DeLaTorre Ugarte , Hope Cook , Maggie Davis , Matthew Langholtz

Badgett, A., G. Cooney, J. Hoffmann, and A. Milbrandt. 2024. “Appendix F. Appendix to Chapter 7.3: CO2 Emissions from Stationary Sources.” In 2023 Billion‐Ton Report. M. H. Langholtz (Lead). Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory. doi: 10.23720/BT2023/2316185.

Andrew Badgett , Gregory Cooney , Jeffrey Hoffmann , Anelia Milbrandt

Coleman, A., K. Davis, J. DeAngelo, T. Saltiel, B. Saenz, L. Miller, K. Champion, E. Harrison, and A. Otwell. 2024. “Appendix E. Appendix to Chapter 7.2: Macroalgae.” In 2023 Billion‐Ton Report. M. H. Langholtz (Lead). Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory. doi: 10.23720/BT2023/2316184.

Andre Coleman , Kristen Davis , Julianne DeAngelo , Troy Saltiel , Benjamin Saenz , Lee Miller , Kathleen Champion , Eliza Harrison , Anne Otwell

Davis, R., A. Coleman, T. R. Hawkins, B. Klein, J. Zhang, Y. Zhu, S. Gao, et al. 2024. “Appendix D. Appendix to Chapter 7.1: Microalgae.” In 2023 Billion‐Ton Report. M. H. Langholtz (Lead). Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory. doi: 10.23720/BT2023/2316183.

Ryan Davis , Andrew Coleman , Troy R. Hawkins , Bruno Klein , Jingyi Zhang , Yunhua Zhu , Song Gao , Udayan Singh , Longwen Ou , Matthew Wiatrowski , Lesley Snowden-Swan , Peter Valdez , Yiling Xu

Hellwinckel, C., D. de la Torre Ugarte, J. L. Field, and M. Langholtz. 2024. “Appendix C. Appendix to Chapter 5: Biomass from Agriculture.” In 2023 Billion‐Ton Report. M. H. Langholtz (Lead). Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory. doi: 10.23720/BT2023/2316182.

Chad Hellwinckel , Daniel DeLaTorre Ugarte , John L Field , Matthew H Langholtz

Davis, M., L. Lambert, R. Jacobson, D. Rossi, C. Brandeis, J. Fried, B. English, et al. 2024. “Appendix B. Appendix to Chapter 4: Biomass from the Forested Land Base.” In 2023 Billion‐Ton Report. M. H. Langholtz (Lead). Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory. doi: 10.23720/BT2023/2316181.

Maggie Davis , Lixia Lambert , Ryan Jacobson , David Rossi , Consuelo Brandeis , Burton English , Jeremy Fried

U.S. Department of Energy. 2024. “Chapter 8: Looking Forward and Next Steps.” In 2023 Billion‐Ton Report. M. H. Langholtz (Lead). Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory. doi: 10.23720/BT2023/2316179.

Matthew H Langholtz

Chapter 7.3 — Badgett, A., G. Cooney, J. Hoffmann, and A. Milbrandt. 2024. “Chapter 7.3: CO2 Emissions from Stationary Sources.” In 2023 Billion‐Ton Report. M. H. Langholtz (Lead). Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory. doi: 10.23720/BT2023/2316177.

Andrew Badgett , Gregory Cooney , Jeffrey Hoffmann , Anelia Milbrandt

Chapter 7.2 — Coleman, A., K. Davis, J. DeAngelo, T. Saltiel, B. Saenz, L. Miller, K. Champion, E. Harrison, and A. Otwell. 2024. “Chapter 7.2: Macroalgae.” In 2023 Billion‐Ton Report. M. H. Langholtz (Lead). Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory. doi: 10.23720/BT2023/2316176.

Andre Coleman , Kristen Davis , Julianne DeAngelo , Troy Saltiel , Benjamin Saenz , Lee Miller , Kathleen Champion , Eliza Harrison , Anne Otwell

Chapter 7.1 — Davis, R., A. Coleman, T. R. Hawkins, B. Klein, J. Zhang, Y. Zhu, S. Gao, et al. 2024. “Chapter 7.1: Microalgae.” In 2023 Billion‐Ton Report. M. H. Langholtz (Lead). Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory. doi: 10.23720/BT2023/2316175.

Ryan Davis , Andrew Coleman , Troy R. Hawkins , Bruno Klein , Jingyi Zhang , Yunhua Zhu , Song Gao , Udayan Singh , Longwen Ou , Matthew Wiatrowski , Lesley Snowden-Swan , Peter Valdez , Yiling Xu

Efroymson, R. A., M. H. Langholtz, K. L. Kline, D. de la Torre Ugarte, C. Hellwinckel, T. R. Hawkins, E. S. Parish, et al. 2024. “Chapter 6: Sustainability and Good Practices.” In 2023 Billion‐Ton Report. M. H. Langholtz (Lead). Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory. doi: 10.23720/BT2023/2316172.

Rebecca A Efroymson , Matthew H. Langholtz , Keith L. Kline , Daniel delaTorre Ugarte , Chad Hellwinckel , Troy R. Hawkins , Esther S. Parish , Michael Shell , Maggie R. Davis , Burton C. English , John Field