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This International Feedstocks data portal supports the Global Biomass Resource Assessment, a multi-country government-led initiative dedicated to advancing the global transition to a sustainable bio-based economy.  This product shares data assembled from citable sources around the globe, as reported for current biomass production as well as potential additional future production in some cases.

Ryan Jacobson , Daniel DeLaTorre Ugarte , Keith Kline , Savannah Jones , Hope Cook , Maggie Davis

This dataset contains data on forest production. The forestry products in this dataset includes hardwood, softwood, and mixed, and the dataset was obtained from the database of the 2023 Billion-Ton Report (Davis et al., 2024). The intended use is for the Feedstock Production Emissions to Air Model (FPEAM).

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Jin Wook Ro , Maggie Davis , Hope Cook

This dataset contains harvesting, chipping, and production cost data for forestland production by region and forest harvest system. The dataset supports Biomass from the forested land base analysis in the BT23 (Davis et al., 2024) and subsequent modeling using the Forest Sustainable and Economic Analysis Model (ForSEAM). The cost data was updated by Burton English and is in 2014 dollars and 2021 dollars.

Burton English , Jin Wook Ro , Lixia Lambert , Maggie Davis , Matthew H Langholtz

This dataset provides additional variables for modelers and other interested stakeholders for yield assumptions for modeled energy crops on agricultural land in the CONUS, as modeled by the POLYSYS model.

The yield unit was changed from lb/ac to dt/ac post-processing.
V0.1 changes include: tillage for subclass like 'energy crop' is now '[null]' and for subclass = 'Intermediate oilseeds' 'till' is now 'CT' (Conventional Tillage), format now uses pipe (|) delimiter.

Chad Hellwinckel , Daniel DeLaTorre Ugarte , Hope Cook , Maggie Davis , Matthew Langholtz
Matthew H Langholtz , Maggie Davis , Chad Hellwinckel , Daniel DeLaTorre Ugarte , Rebecca Efroymson , Ryan Jacobson , Anelia Milbrandt , Andre Coleman , Ryan Davis , Keith L. Kline , et al.

This dataset includes waster resources prepared for BT23 Chapter 3. Please access the data through the BT23 Data Portal or directly at

Please cite as:
Milbrandt, A., and A. Badgett. 2024, Data from Biomass from waste streams, of Chapter 3 in the 2023 Billion-Ton Report. Version 0.0.1, Bioenergy Knowledge Discovery Framework (bioenergyKDF)Data Center,

Anelia Milbrandt , Alex Badgett

This dataset includes ForSEAM and BioSUM model output prepared for BT23 Chapter 4, as well as USDA-FS Forest Inventory Analysis datasets used to calculate waste biomass from the forested land base. Please access the data through the BT23 Data Portal or directly at

Maggie Davis , Lixia Lambert , Ryan Jacobson , Consuelo Brandeis , Jeremy Fried , Burton English

Simulations under this dataset were targeted to a specific fuelshed in Iowa.
Integrated land management (ILM) applications were targeted under this research, although the results of these simulations are at the county level; downscaling post-processing will be applied.

Maggie R. Davis
Funded from the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Bioenergy Technologies Office.

Contact information about the submitter of this metadata record:
Author list: Maggie Davis, Matt Langholtz, Laurence Eaton, Chad Hellwinkel
Who should be contacted with questions relating to the data? (Principal investigator or primary developer of data product): Maggie Davis,

Maggie Davis , Matt Langholtz , Laurence Eaton , Chad Hellwinkel
Funded from the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Bioenergy Technologies Office.

Logging and mill residues are currently the largest sources of woody biomass for bioenergy in the US, but short-rotation woody crops (SRWCs) are expected to become a larger contributor to biomass production, primarily on lands marginal for food production. However, there are very few studies on the environmental effects of SRWCs, and most have been conducted at stand rather than at watershed scales.

Natalie A. Griffiths , Benjamin M. Rau , Kellie B. Vache , Gregory Starr , Menberu M. Bitew , Doug P. Aubrey , James A. Martin , Elizabeth Benton , C. Rhett Jackson
Funded from the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Bioenergy Technologies Office.

The objective of this research project was to assess whether standard forestry best management practices (BMPs) are sufficient to protect stream water quality from intensive silviculture associated with short-rotation woody crop (SRWC) production for bioenergy. Forestry BMPs are designed to prevent the movement of deleterious quantities of nutrients, herbicides, sediments, and thermal energy (sunlight hitting stream channels) from clear-cuts and plantations to surface waters.

Natalie A. Griffiths , C. Rhett Jackson , John I. Blake , Johnson Jeffers , Benjamin M. Rau , Gregory Starr , Kellie Vache
Funded from the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Bioenergy Technologies Office.

Link to the website with documentation and download instructions for the PNNL Global Change Assessment Model (GCAM), a community model or long-term, global energy, agriculture, land use, and emissions. BioEnergy production, transformation, and use is an integral part of GCAM modeling and scenarios.

Marshall Wise
Funded from the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Bioenergy Technologies Office.

This is a joint report between three national labs, ORNL, INL, and ANL, that describes outcomes from a workshop. The Bioenergy Solutions to Gulf Hypoxia Workshop gathered stakeholders from industry, academia, national laboratories, and U.S. federal agencies to discuss how biomass feedstocks could help decrease nutrient loadings to the Gulf of Mexico (Gulf), a root cause of the large hypoxic zone that forms each summer.

Henriette Jager , Christina Negri , Leslie Ovard , Shyam Nair
Funded from the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Bioenergy Technologies Office.