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BT16 Vol2 Download Tool

Displaying 481 - 560 of 1493
Year Scenario County FIPS Code Feedstock Indicator Source Value Units Chapter Title
2040 HH3 55103 Straw SOX Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 55103 Straw VOC Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 45071 Switchgrass CO Prod 0.00246 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 45071 Switchgrass NH3 Prod 0.74316 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 45071 Switchgrass NOX Prod 0.13617 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 45071 Switchgrass PM10 Prod 0.55539 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 45071 Switchgrass PM25 Prod 0.11123 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 45071 Switchgrass SOX Prod 0.0000 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 45071 Switchgrass VOC Prod 0.07559 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 55103 Switchgrass CO Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 55103 Switchgrass NH3 Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 55103 Switchgrass NOX Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 55103 Switchgrass PM10 Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 55103 Switchgrass PM25 Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 55103 Switchgrass SOX Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 55103 Switchgrass VOC Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 45071 Logging residue CO Delv 2.46084 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 45071 Logging residue NH3 Delv 0.16606 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 45071 Logging residue NOX Delv 8.40287 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 45071 Logging residue PM10 Delv 4.88352 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 45071 Logging residue PM25 Delv 0.65273 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 45071 Logging residue SOX Delv 0.08577 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 45071 Logging residue VOC Delv 21.16416 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 55103 Logging residue CO Delv 0.92454 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 55103 Logging residue NH3 Delv 0.06284 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 55103 Logging residue NOX Delv 3.39154 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 55103 Logging residue PM10 Delv 0.9664 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 55103 Logging residue PM25 Delv 0.15637 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 55103 Logging residue SOX Delv 0.03163 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 55103 Logging residue VOC Delv 3.9024 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 45071 Whole tree CO Delv 3.7388 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 45071 Whole tree NH3 Delv 0.25407 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 45071 Whole tree NOX Delv 12.8572 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 45071 Whole tree PM10 Delv 3.79293 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 45071 Whole tree PM25 Delv 0.62109 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 45071 Whole tree SOX Delv 0.13125 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 45071 Whole tree VOC Delv 16.28701 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 55103 Whole tree CO Delv 0.47254 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 55103 Whole tree NH3 Delv 0.03224 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 55103 Whole tree NOX Delv 1.73969 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 55103 Whole tree PM10 Delv 0.24273 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 55103 Whole tree PM25 Delv 0.05428 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 55103 Whole tree SOX Delv 0.01622 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 55103 Whole tree VOC Delv 0.96513 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 45071 Logging residue CO Prod 0.12826 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 45071 Logging residue NH3 Prod 0.00358 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 45071 Logging residue NOX Prod 0.27299 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 45071 Logging residue PM10 Prod 0.01033 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 45071 Logging residue PM25 Prod 0.01002 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 45071 Logging residue SOX Prod 0.00205 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 45071 Logging residue VOC Prod 0.11029 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 55103 Logging residue CO Prod 0.02283 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 55103 Logging residue NH3 Prod 0.00064 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 55103 Logging residue NOX Prod 0.0486 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 55103 Logging residue PM10 Prod 0.00184 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 55103 Logging residue PM25 Prod 0.00178 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 55103 Logging residue SOX Prod 0.00036 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 55103 Logging residue VOC Prod 0.01963 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 45071 Whole tree CO Prod 0.15608 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 45071 Whole tree NH3 Prod 0.43118 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 45071 Whole tree NOX Prod 0.41516 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 45071 Whole tree PM10 Prod 0.01282 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 45071 Whole tree PM25 Prod 0.01244 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 45071 Whole tree SOX Prod 0.00284 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 45071 Whole tree VOC Prod 0.16849 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
0 BayPRSM 45071 Biomass sorghum yldr Prod 54.9 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayPRSM 45071 Coppice wood, willow yldr Prod 30.99 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayPRSM 45071 Energy cane yldr Prod 27.9 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayPRSM 45071 Grasses, CRP yldr Prod 56.8 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayPRSM 45071 Miscanthus yldr Prod 54.3 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayPRSM 45071 Noncoppice wood, pine yldr Prod 37.3 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayPRSM 45071 Noncoppice wood, poplar yldr Prod 61.4 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayPRSM 45071 Switchgrass, highland yldr Prod 53.4 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayPRSM 45071 Switchgrass, lowland yldr Prod 52.6 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayWCLM 45071 Biomass sorghum yldr Prod 45.1 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayWCLM 45071 Coppice wood, willow yldr Prod 28.6558 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayWCLM 45071 Energy cane yldr Prod 25.9 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayWCLM 45071 Grasses, CRP yldr Prod 55.9 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayWCLM 45071 Miscanthus yldr Prod 47.8 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayWCLM 45071 Noncoppice wood, pine yldr Prod 32.6 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity