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BT16 Vol2 Download Tool

Displaying 801 - 880 of 1492
Year Scenario County FIPS Code Feedstock Indicator Source Value Units Chapter Title
2040 HH3 44007 Switchgrass PM10 Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 44007 Switchgrass PM25 Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 44007 Switchgrass SOX Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 44007 Switchgrass VOC Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 51175 Switchgrass CO Prod 0.07613 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 51175 Switchgrass NH3 Prod 30.93047 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 51175 Switchgrass NOX Prod 5.59272 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 51175 Switchgrass PM10 Prod 16.00556 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 51175 Switchgrass PM25 Prod 3.20587 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 51175 Switchgrass SOX Prod 0.00123 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 51175 Switchgrass VOC Prod 2.18319 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 44007 Logging residue CO Delv 0.46769 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 44007 Logging residue NH3 Delv 0.03168 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 44007 Logging residue NOX Delv 1.68908 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 44007 Logging residue PM10 Delv 0.6945 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 44007 Logging residue PM25 Delv 0.10018 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 44007 Logging residue SOX Delv 0.01594 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 44007 Logging residue VOC Delv 2.97046 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 51175 Logging residue CO Delv 2.41895 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 51175 Logging residue NH3 Delv 0.16367 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 51175 Logging residue NOX Delv 8.6802 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 51175 Logging residue PM10 Delv 3.30102 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 51175 Logging residue PM25 Delv 0.4897 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 51175 Logging residue SOX Delv 0.08237 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 51175 Logging residue VOC Delv 16.82397 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 44007 Whole tree CO Delv 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 44007 Whole tree NH3 Delv 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 44007 Whole tree NOX Delv 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 44007 Whole tree PM10 Delv 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 44007 Whole tree PM25 Delv 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 44007 Whole tree SOX Delv 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 44007 Whole tree VOC Delv 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 51175 Whole tree CO Delv 1.04263 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 51175 Whole tree NH3 Delv 0.06718 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 51175 Whole tree NOX Delv 3.563 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 51175 Whole tree PM10 Delv 7.00022 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 51175 Whole tree PM25 Delv 0.76254 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 51175 Whole tree SOX Delv 0.03381 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 51175 Whole tree VOC Delv 37.07154 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 44007 Logging residue CO Prod 0.01798 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 44007 Logging residue NH3 Prod 0.0005 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 44007 Logging residue NOX Prod 0.03827 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 44007 Logging residue PM10 Prod 0.00145 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 44007 Logging residue PM25 Prod 0.0014 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 44007 Logging residue SOX Prod 0.00029 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 44007 Logging residue VOC Prod 0.01546 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 51175 Logging residue CO Prod 0.10118 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 51175 Logging residue NH3 Prod 0.00283 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 51175 Logging residue NOX Prod 0.21535 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 51175 Logging residue PM10 Prod 0.00815 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 51175 Logging residue PM25 Prod 0.0079 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 51175 Logging residue SOX Prod 0.00161 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 51175 Logging residue VOC Prod 0.087 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 44007 Whole tree CO Prod 0.00389 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 44007 Whole tree NH3 Prod 0.00012 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 44007 Whole tree NOX Prod 0.00815 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 44007 Whole tree PM10 Prod 0.00031 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 44007 Whole tree PM25 Prod 0.0003 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 44007 Whole tree SOX Prod 0.0001 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 44007 Whole tree VOC Prod 0.00365 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
0 BayPRSM 44007 Biomass sorghum yldr Prod 44.3 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayPRSM 44007 Coppice wood, willow yldr Prod 50.5827 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayPRSM 44007 Energy cane yldr Prod 0.6 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayPRSM 44007 Grasses, CRP yldr Prod 52.8 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayPRSM 44007 Miscanthus yldr Prod 52.8 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayPRSM 44007 Noncoppice wood, pine yldr Prod 9.1 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayPRSM 44007 Noncoppice wood, poplar yldr Prod 60.2 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayPRSM 44007 Switchgrass, highland yldr Prod 56 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayPRSM 44007 Switchgrass, lowland yldr Prod 38 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayWCLM 44007 Biomass sorghum yldr Prod 42 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayWCLM 44007 Coppice wood, willow yldr Prod 50.2504 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayWCLM 44007 Energy cane yldr Prod 0.4 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayWCLM 44007 Grasses, CRP yldr Prod 52.1 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayWCLM 44007 Miscanthus yldr Prod 49.8 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayWCLM 44007 Noncoppice wood, pine yldr Prod 2.4 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayWCLM 44007 Noncoppice wood, poplar yldr Prod 54.4 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayWCLM 44007 Switchgrass, highland yldr Prod 53.6 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayWCLM 44007 Switchgrass, lowland yldr Prod 36.3 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 PRSM 44007 Biomass sorghum yldr Prod 47.6 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 PRSM 44007 Coppice wood, willow yldr Prod 57 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity