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BT16 Vol2 Download Tool

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8
Year Scenario County FIPS Code Feedstock Indicator Source Value Units Chapter Title
2040 BC1 29183 Perennials area Harv 24,620 ac Water Consumption Footprint on Agricultural and Forest Lands
2040 BC1 42047 Perennials area Harv 144 ac Water Consumption Footprint on Agricultural and Forest Lands
2040 BC1 29183 Perennials qnty Prod 227,991 dst Water Consumption Footprint on Agricultural and Forest Lands
2040 BC1 42047 Perennials qnty Prod 5,741 dst Water Consumption Footprint on Agricultural and Forest Lands
2040 HH3 29183 Perennials area Harv 20,990 ac Water Consumption Footprint on Agricultural and Forest Lands
2040 HH3 42047 Perennials area Harv 147 ac Water Consumption Footprint on Agricultural and Forest Lands
2040 HH3 29183 Perennials qnty Prod 342,189 dst Water Consumption Footprint on Agricultural and Forest Lands
2040 HH3 42047 Perennials qnty Prod 8,410 dst Water Consumption Footprint on Agricultural and Forest Lands