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BT16 Vol2 Download Tool

Displaying 1441 - 1486 of 1486
Year Scenario County FIPS Code Feedstock Indicator Source Value Units Chapter Title
2040 MHLE 29025 Whole trees TN HarvDiff 0 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 29025 Whole trees TP HarvDiff 0 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 42109 Whole trees NO3 HarvDiff 3,589.039801 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 42109 Whole trees Sed HarvDiff 297,721.7923 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 42109 Whole trees TN HarvDiff 1,834.901434 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 42109 Whole trees TP HarvDiff 111.2390072 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 29025 Whole trees NO3 HarvPost 0 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 29025 Whole trees Sed HarvPost 0 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 29025 Whole trees TN HarvPost 0 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 29025 Whole trees TP HarvPost 0 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 42109 Whole trees NO3 HarvPost 4,633.398287 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 42109 Whole trees Sed HarvPost 309,313.3671 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 42109 Whole trees TN HarvPost 2,013.50011 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 42109 Whole trees TP HarvPost 118.6470677 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 29025 Whole trees NO3 HarvPre 0 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 29025 Whole trees Sed HarvPre 0 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 29025 Whole trees TN HarvPre 0 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 29025 Whole trees TP HarvPre 0 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 42109 Whole trees NO3 HarvPre 1,044.358486 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 42109 Whole trees Sed HarvPre 11,591.5748 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 42109 Whole trees TN HarvPre 178.5986762 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 42109 Whole trees TP HarvPre 7.40806051 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 HHHE 42109 Forestry area Harv 0.224359249 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
2040 HHHE 42109 Forestry wyldmaq Harv 32.70319582 Mgal/yr Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
2040 HHHE 42109 Forestry wyldmar Harv 0.025075075 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
2017 MHLE 29025 Forestry area Harv 1.404422036 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
2017 MHLE 29025 Forestry wyldmaq Harv 19.21679361 Mgal/yr Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
2017 MHLE 29025 Forestry wyldmar Harv 0.01776211 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
2017 MHLE 42109 Forestry area Harv 0.328385765 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
2017 MHLE 42109 Forestry wyldmaq Harv 47.86633333 Mgal/yr Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
2017 MHLE 42109 Forestry wyldmar Harv 0.036701364 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
2040 MHLE 42109 Forestry area Harv 0.315769277 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
2040 MHLE 42109 Forestry wyldmaq Harv 46.02735357 Mgal/yr Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
2040 MHLE 42109 Forestry wyldmar Harv 0.035291332 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
0 Refr 29025 Forestry wyldmaq Base 372.3393915 mm/yr Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
0 Refr 42109 Forestry wyldmaq Base 574.2311301 mm/yr Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
0 Refr 29025 Forestry wyldmaq ClrCut 4.709078223 mm/yr Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
0 Refr 29025 Forestry wyldmar ClrCut 1.264727378 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
0 Refr 42109 Forestry wyldmaq ClrCut 64.17779182 mm/yr Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
0 Refr 42109 Forestry wyldmar ClrCut 11.17629966 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
0 Refr 29025 Forestry area NLCD 130.417353 km2 Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
0 Refr 42109 Forestry area NLCD 340.005423 km2 Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
0 Refr 29025 Forestry wyldmaq Thin 6.457423611 mm/yr Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
0 Refr 29025 Forestry wyldmar Thin 1.7342843 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
0 Refr 42109 Forestry wyldmaq Thin 57.70179312 mm/yr Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
0 Refr 42109 Forestry wyldmar Thin 10.048531 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands