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BT16 Vol2 Download Tool

Displaying 1121 - 1200 of 1494
Year Scenario County FIPS Code Feedstock Indicator Source Value Units Chapter Title
2040 HH3 54103 Switchgrass NOX Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 54103 Switchgrass PM10 Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 54103 Switchgrass PM25 Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 54103 Switchgrass SOX Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 54103 Switchgrass VOC Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 21057 Logging residue CO Delv 0.06528 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 21057 Logging residue NH3 Delv 0.00439 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 21057 Logging residue NOX Delv 0.23066 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 21057 Logging residue PM10 Delv 0.16537 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 21057 Logging residue PM25 Delv 0.02093 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 21057 Logging residue SOX Delv 0.00222 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 21057 Logging residue VOC Delv 0.71947 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 54103 Logging residue CO Delv 0.19482 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 54103 Logging residue NH3 Delv 0.01286 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 54103 Logging residue NOX Delv 0.68484 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 54103 Logging residue PM10 Delv 0.95155 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 54103 Logging residue PM25 Delv 0.10765 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 54103 Logging residue SOX Delv 0.00648 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 54103 Logging residue VOC Delv 4.20053 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 21057 Whole tree CO Delv 0.16697 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 21057 Whole tree NH3 Delv 0.01138 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 21057 Whole tree NOX Delv 0.59877 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 21057 Whole tree PM10 Delv 0.08683 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 21057 Whole tree PM25 Delv 0.0193 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 21057 Whole tree SOX Delv 0.00576 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 21057 Whole tree VOC Delv 0.36571 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 54103 Whole tree CO Delv 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 54103 Whole tree NH3 Delv 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 54103 Whole tree NOX Delv 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 54103 Whole tree PM10 Delv 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 54103 Whole tree PM25 Delv 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 54103 Whole tree SOX Delv 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 54103 Whole tree VOC Delv 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 21057 Logging residue CO Prod 0.00439 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 21057 Logging residue NH3 Prod 0.00012 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 21057 Logging residue NOX Prod 0.00935 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 21057 Logging residue PM10 Prod 0.00035 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 21057 Logging residue PM25 Prod 0.00034 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 21057 Logging residue SOX Prod 0.0001 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 21057 Logging residue VOC Prod 0.00378 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 54103 Logging residue CO Prod 0.02598 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 54103 Logging residue NH3 Prod 0.00073 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 54103 Logging residue NOX Prod 0.05529 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 54103 Logging residue PM10 Prod 0.00209 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 54103 Logging residue PM25 Prod 0.00203 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 54103 Logging residue SOX Prod 0.00041 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 54103 Logging residue VOC Prod 0.02234 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 21057 Whole tree CO Prod 0.0038 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 21057 Whole tree NH3 Prod 0.00012 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 21057 Whole tree NOX Prod 0.00794 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 21057 Whole tree PM10 Prod 0.0003 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 21057 Whole tree PM25 Prod 0.00029 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 21057 Whole tree SOX Prod 0.0001 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HHHE 21057 Whole tree VOC Prod 0.00356 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
0 21057 area County 805.13 km2 Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 21057 prec_tot County 1,277.74 mm Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 21057 soil_drn County 3.92262 Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 21057 soil_ph County 5.03141 SU Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 21057 soil_whc County 0.133543 frac Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 21057 temp_max County 20.39254 degC Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 21057 temp_min County 7.447335 degC Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 54103 area County 935.84 km2 Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 54103 prec_tot County 1,202.638433 mm Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 54103 soil_drn County 3.78089 Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 54103 soil_ph County 4.84889 SU Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 54103 soil_whc County 0.117148 frac Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 54103 temp_max County 17.34310333 degC Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 54103 temp_min County 3.780397667 degC Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
2040 HH3 21057 Agriculture GHG_Emis SOC -7,235,184 kg CO2 Fossil Energy Consumption, Greenhouse Gas Emission, and Soil Carbon Effects
2017 BC1 21057 Agriculture GHG_Emis Prod 1,030,602 kg CO2 Fossil Energy Consumption, Greenhouse Gas Emission, and Soil Carbon Effects
2017 BC1 21057 Agriculture GHG_Ints Prod 339.5 kg CO2/dt Fossil Energy Consumption, Greenhouse Gas Emission, and Soil Carbon Effects
2017 BC1 21057 Agriculture GHG_Emis SOC 12,211 kg CO2 Fossil Energy Consumption, Greenhouse Gas Emission, and Soil Carbon Effects
2017 BC1 21057 Agriculture GHG_Ints SOC 4 kg CO2/dt Fossil Energy Consumption, Greenhouse Gas Emission, and Soil Carbon Effects
2040 BC1 21057 Agriculture GHG_Emis Prod 11,267,266 kg CO2 Fossil Energy Consumption, Greenhouse Gas Emission, and Soil Carbon Effects
2040 BC1 21057 Agriculture GHG_Ints Prod 172.2 kg CO2/dt Fossil Energy Consumption, Greenhouse Gas Emission, and Soil Carbon Effects
2040 BC1 21057 Agriculture GHG_Emis SOC 263,238 kg CO2 Fossil Energy Consumption, Greenhouse Gas Emission, and Soil Carbon Effects
2040 BC1 21057 Agriculture GHG_Ints SOC 4 kg CO2/dt Fossil Energy Consumption, Greenhouse Gas Emission, and Soil Carbon Effects
2040 HH3 21057 Agriculture GHG_Emis Prod 17,551,244 kg CO2 Fossil Energy Consumption, Greenhouse Gas Emission, and Soil Carbon Effects
2040 HH3 21057 Agriculture GHG_Ints Prod 176.2 kg CO2/dt Fossil Energy Consumption, Greenhouse Gas Emission, and Soil Carbon Effects
2040 HH3 21057 Agriculture GHG_Ints SOC -72.6 kg CO2/dt Fossil Energy Consumption, Greenhouse Gas Emission, and Soil Carbon Effects