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BT16 Vol2 Download Tool

Displaying 1441 - 1487 of 1487
Year Scenario County FIPS Code Feedstock Indicator Source Value Units Chapter Title
2040 MHLE 19057 Whole trees Sed HarvDiff 0 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 19057 Whole trees TN HarvDiff 0 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 19057 Whole trees TP HarvDiff 0 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 24001 Whole trees NO3 HarvDiff 331.4416702 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 24001 Whole trees Sed HarvDiff 27,494.09692 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 24001 Whole trees TN HarvDiff 169.4500006 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 24001 Whole trees TP HarvDiff 10.27273154 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 19057 Whole trees NO3 HarvPost 0 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 19057 Whole trees Sed HarvPost 0 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 19057 Whole trees TN HarvPost 0 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 19057 Whole trees TP HarvPost 0 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 24001 Whole trees NO3 HarvPost 427.8863853 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 24001 Whole trees Sed HarvPost 28,564.55897 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 24001 Whole trees TN HarvPost 185.943282 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 24001 Whole trees TP HarvPost 10.95685322 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 19057 Whole trees NO3 HarvPre 0 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 19057 Whole trees Sed HarvPre 0 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 19057 Whole trees TN HarvPre 0 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 19057 Whole trees TP HarvPre 0 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 24001 Whole trees NO3 HarvPre 96.4447151 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 24001 Whole trees Sed HarvPre 1,070.462053 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 24001 Whole trees TN HarvPre 16.49328144 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 24001 Whole trees TP HarvPre 0.684121683 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 HHHE 24001 Forestry area Harv 0.110600347 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
2040 HHHE 24001 Forestry wyldmaq Harv 27.61327425 Mgal/yr Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
2040 HHHE 24001 Forestry wyldmar Harv 0.028991284 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
2017 MHLE 19057 Forestry area Harv 0.408285792 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
2017 MHLE 19057 Forestry wyldmaq Harv 7.612628281 Mgal/yr Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
2017 MHLE 19057 Forestry wyldmar Harv 0.00743467 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
2017 MHLE 24001 Forestry area Harv 1.146703008 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
2017 MHLE 24001 Forestry wyldmaq Harv 275.3494338 Mgal/yr Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
2017 MHLE 24001 Forestry wyldmar Harv 0.289090441 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
2040 MHLE 24001 Forestry area Harv 0.365645007 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
2040 MHLE 24001 Forestry wyldmaq Harv 91.28957114 Mgal/yr Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
2040 MHLE 24001 Forestry wyldmar Harv 0.095845276 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
0 Refr 19057 Forestry wyldmaq Base 354.6328529 mm/yr Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
0 Refr 24001 Forestry wyldmaq Base 323.5458034 mm/yr Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
0 Refr 19057 Forestry wyldmaq ClrCut 6.45768087 mm/yr Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
0 Refr 19057 Forestry wyldmar ClrCut 1.82094829 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
0 Refr 24001 Forestry wyldmaq ClrCut 84.80995955 mm/yr Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
0 Refr 24001 Forestry wyldmar ClrCut 26.21265943 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
0 Refr 19057 Forestry area NLCD 280.4059 km2 Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
0 Refr 24001 Forestry area NLCD 932.678173 km2 Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
0 Refr 19057 Forestry wyldmaq Thin 8.423102417 mm/yr Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
0 Refr 19057 Forestry wyldmar Thin 2.375161339 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
0 Refr 24001 Forestry wyldmaq Thin 72.91093994 mm/yr Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
0 Refr 24001 Forestry wyldmar Thin 22.53496697 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands