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BT16 Vol2 Download Tool

Displaying 721 - 746 of 746
Year Scenario County FIPS Code Feedstock Indicator Source Value Units Chapter Title
2040 MHLE 26153 Whole trees TN HarvDiff 1,993.285313 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 26153 Whole trees TP HarvDiff 120.8408664 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 26153 Whole trees NO3 HarvPost 5,170.6915 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 26153 Whole trees Sed HarvPost 742,401.7053 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 26153 Whole trees TN HarvPost 2,187.300158 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 26153 Whole trees TP HarvPost 128.8883713 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 26153 Whole trees NO3 HarvPre 1,134.504771 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 26153 Whole trees Sed HarvPre 12,592.12912 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 26153 Whole trees TN HarvPre 194.0148454 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 MHLE 26153 Whole trees TP HarvPre 8.047504859 kg Water Quality Effects on Forest Lands
2040 HHHE 26153 Forestry area Harv 0.456299496 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
2040 HHHE 26153 Forestry wyldmaq Harv 156.2605584 Mgal/yr Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
2040 HHHE 26153 Forestry wyldmar Harv 0.053892294 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
2017 MHLE 26153 Forestry area Harv 1.34065681 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
2017 MHLE 26153 Forestry wyldmaq Harv 436.4084033 Mgal/yr Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
2017 MHLE 26153 Forestry wyldmar Harv 0.150511748 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
2040 MHLE 26153 Forestry area Harv 0.676952896 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
2040 MHLE 26153 Forestry wyldmaq Harv 231.8237161 Mgal/yr Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
2040 MHLE 26153 Forestry wyldmar Harv 0.079953073 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
0 Refr 12025 Forestry wyldmaq Base 629.8246933 mm/yr Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
0 Refr 26153 Forestry wyldmaq Base 344.4580875 mm/yr Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
0 Refr 26153 Forestry wyldmaq ClrCut 40.6830104 mm/yr Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
0 Refr 26153 Forestry wyldmar ClrCut 11.81072876 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
0 Refr 26153 Forestry area NLCD 2,483.284677 km2 Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
0 Refr 26153 Forestry wyldmaq Thin 34.40548233 mm/yr Water Yield Effects on Forestlands
0 Refr 26153 Forestry wyldmar Thin 9.988292794 % Water Yield Effects on Forestlands