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BT16 Vol2 Download Tool

Displaying 641 - 720 of 1492
Year Scenario County FIPS Code Feedstock Indicator Source Value Units Chapter Title
2040 HH3 12007 Straw SOX Delv 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 12007 Straw VOC Delv 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 20111 Straw CO Delv 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 20111 Straw NH3 Delv 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 20111 Straw NOX Delv 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 20111 Straw PM10 Delv 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 20111 Straw PM25 Delv 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 20111 Straw SOX Delv 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 20111 Straw VOC Delv 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 12007 Switchgrass CO Delv 1.12387 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 12007 Switchgrass NH3 Delv 0.0742 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 12007 Switchgrass NOX Delv 3.40467 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 12007 Switchgrass PM10 Delv 1.21562 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 12007 Switchgrass PM25 Delv 0.19712 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 12007 Switchgrass SOX Delv 0.04031 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 12007 Switchgrass VOC Delv 0.31361 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 20111 Switchgrass CO Delv 0.45572 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 20111 Switchgrass NH3 Delv 0.02949 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 20111 Switchgrass NOX Delv 1.57771 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 20111 Switchgrass PM10 Delv 0.72791 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 20111 Switchgrass PM25 Delv 0.10263 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 20111 Switchgrass SOX Delv 0.01484 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 20111 Switchgrass VOC Delv 0.12164 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 12007 Corn stover CO Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 12007 Corn stover NH3 Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 12007 Corn stover NOX Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 12007 Corn stover PM10 Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 12007 Corn stover PM25 Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 12007 Corn stover SOX Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 12007 Corn stover VOC Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 20111 Corn stover CO Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 20111 Corn stover NH3 Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 20111 Corn stover NOX Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 20111 Corn stover PM10 Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 20111 Corn stover PM25 Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 20111 Corn stover SOX Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 20111 Corn stover VOC Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 12007 Miscanthus CO Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 12007 Miscanthus NH3 Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 12007 Miscanthus NOX Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 12007 Miscanthus PM10 Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 12007 Miscanthus PM25 Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 12007 Miscanthus SOX Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 12007 Miscanthus VOC Prod 0 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 20111 Miscanthus CO Prod 0.98132 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 20111 Miscanthus NH3 Prod 528.61272 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 20111 Miscanthus NOX Prod 94.80729 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 20111 Miscanthus PM10 Prod 174.41991 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 20111 Miscanthus PM25 Prod 34.94504 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 20111 Miscanthus SOX Prod 0.01575 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 HH3 20111 Miscanthus VOC Prod 17.71994 Mt Air Emissions from Agricultural and Forest Biomass Production
2040 BC1 12007 Agriculture birdfrs_rch Prod 10.36151695 spc/km2 Effects on Avian Biodiversity
2040 BC1 12007 Agriculture birdgen_rch Prod 17.24544428 spc/km2 Effects on Avian Biodiversity
2040 BC1 12007 Agriculture birdgls_rch Prod 5.544753744 spc/km2 Effects on Avian Biodiversity
2040 BC1 20111 Agriculture birdfrs_rch Prod 8.955480229 spc/km2 Effects on Avian Biodiversity
2040 BC1 20111 Agriculture birdgen_rch Prod 14.24679289 spc/km2 Effects on Avian Biodiversity
2040 BC1 20111 Agriculture birdgls_rch Prod 7.207229994 spc/km2 Effects on Avian Biodiversity
2014 Current 12007 Agriculture birdfrs_rch Prod 10.36120369 spc/km2 Effects on Avian Biodiversity
2014 Current 12007 Agriculture birdgen_rch Prod 17.24553487 spc/km2 Effects on Avian Biodiversity
2014 Current 12007 Agriculture birdgls_rch Prod 5.546139917 spc/km2 Effects on Avian Biodiversity
2014 Current 20111 Agriculture birdfrs_rch Prod 8.975325742 spc/km2 Effects on Avian Biodiversity
2014 Current 20111 Agriculture birdgen_rch Prod 14.2639089 spc/km2 Effects on Avian Biodiversity
2014 Current 20111 Agriculture birdgls_rch Prod 7.649291892 spc/km2 Effects on Avian Biodiversity
2050 RCP4.5 20111 Miscanthus yldr Prod 53.25308182 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
2050 RCP6.0 20111 Energy cane yldr_prbd Prod 0 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayPRSM 12007 Biomass sorghum yldr Prod 60.7 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayPRSM 12007 Coppice wood, willow yldr Prod 24.8166 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayPRSM 12007 Energy cane yldr Prod 45.9 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayPRSM 12007 Grasses, CRP yldr Prod 37.9 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayPRSM 12007 Miscanthus yldr Prod 47 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayPRSM 12007 Noncoppice wood, pine yldr Prod 49.3 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayPRSM 12007 Noncoppice wood, poplar yldr Prod 43.5 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayPRSM 12007 Switchgrass, highland yldr Prod 36.6 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayPRSM 12007 Switchgrass, lowland yldr Prod 57.1 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayWCLM 12007 Biomass sorghum yldr Prod 60.7 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayWCLM 12007 Coppice wood, willow yldr Prod 24.8166 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayWCLM 12007 Energy cane yldr Prod 45.9 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayWCLM 12007 Grasses, CRP yldr Prod 37.9 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayWCLM 12007 Miscanthus yldr Prod 47 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity
0 BayWCLM 12007 Noncoppice wood, pine yldr Prod 49.3 % Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Energy Crop Productivity