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Associated Research

Argonne National Lab

Argonne National Laboratory leverages scientific competencies in modeling and technology development to enable a carbon sparing, environmentally friendly economy through the integrated development of biofuels, bioproducts and ecosystem services.

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National Lab

Idaho National Laboratory

The INL Bioenergy Program's mission is to support DOE in achieving their vision by developing processes and technologies through applied science and engineering that remove the barriers associated with accessing a sustainable, efficient feedstock supply.

INL is the nation’s leading laboratory for bioenergy feedstock research. Specifically, INL’s research is focused on addressing barriers associated with efficiently, economically, and sustainably supplying large quantities of quality feedstock to future biorefineries. This effort includes improving feedstock preprocessing technologies, understanding feedstock variability and its implications on conversion processes, feedstock supply system design and analysis, and at-scale equipment testing and design. INL feedstock research and development occurs at several scales, ranging from laboratory-scale, to bench-scale prototyping, to pilot-scale testing and demonstration in partnership with other national labs, industry, and academia.

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National Lab

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Oak Ridge National Laboratory brings together experts from across scientific disciplines to analyze all aspects of the bioenergy supply chain—from biomass resources to the environmental sustainability of a fully developed bioeconomy. Current research focuses on conducting resource assessment and analysis, investigating methods to reduce logistics costs for the bioenergy industry, determining best management practices for socioeconomic and environmental sustainability, ensuring infrastructure and biorefinery materials are compatible with bio-oils, developing biocomposites for 3D printing, and developing new technologies to enable lower-cost conversion of biomass to biofuels and bioproducts.

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National Lab

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

PNNL bioenergy research and development focuses on processes that convert biomass and wastes into chemicals and biofuels that are infrastructure ready (e.g., gasoline, diesel and jet fuel). Researchers with technical expertise in advanced biotechnology, catalysis, and thermal processing enable these advances to take place.

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National Lab